Ángeles val del rio

Profesora Axudante Doutor
Departamento: Enxeñería Química
Centro: Escola Técnica Superior de Enxeñaría (USC)
Grupo de Investigación: Biotecnoloxía Ambiental (BIOGROUP)
Tel.: +34 8818 16788
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Dr. Angeles Val do Rio is Chemical Engineer (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC), 2006) and holds a PhD in Chemical and Environmental Engineering (USC, 2012) with the thesis entitled “Aerobic granular biomass systems: a challenge for a better wastewater treatment and sludge management”. During her PhD studies, she performed a stay at Laboratory of Environmental Biotechnology (INRA, Narbonne) to study the aerobic granular sludge management by thermal pretreatment and posterior anaerobic digestion. During the post-doutoral period, she performed two foreign stays at National University of Ireland (Galway), to study advanced UV lamps for wastewater disinfection, and at University of Minho (Braga), to study the application of Quimiometric Image Analysis as a tool to monitor granular sludge in wastewater treatment systems. Shes researche in the Group of Environmental Biotechnology (BioGroup) is devoted to the biological advanced treatment of municipal and industrial wastewater with recovery of valuable products (as biogas, biopolymers and water for reuse), with special focus in the application of aerobic granular sludge and anammox based processes for nitrogen removal.

Liñas de Investigación
Tecnoloxías avanzadas para o tratamento de augas residuais
Desntrificación autótrofa (proceso anammox): Aplicación do proceso anammox para o tratamento de efluentes de digestores anaerobios tratando lodos ou residuos industriais.
– Reactores
aerobios granulares: Aplicación de biomasa granular aerobia para a eliminación de materia orgánica, nitróxeno e fósforo de augas residuais industriais (conserveiras de peixe, xurros de porco, lácteas etc.)/ etc.).
– Produción de biopolímeros a partir de augas residuais: Valorización da materia orgánica de efluentes líquidos (glicerol e efluentes da industria agroalimentaria). En especial produción de biopolímeros con propiedades de bioplásticos.


Actividade financiada polo Convenio de Colaboración entre a Consellería de Cultura, Educación e a USC para o desenvolvemento de accións estratéxicas de I+D+i.