From October 7 to 11, 22 researchers in training from 8 different European institutions will attend the “Introductory Training School” organized in the framework of the Marie Curie NOWELTIES Action (, by CRETUS researchers Francisco Omil and Sonia Suarez of the Department of Chemical Engineering.

The particularity of this international course on treatment and recovery of wastewater resources is that not only specific issues related to the subject such as technologies, microbiology, legislation, economics, environmental impact, etc. will be addressed. It will also include aspects of cross-cutting issues such as bibliometry, social acceptance, communication, etc. providing the course with a much more complete training.

The program also includes a technical visit to the WWTP of Guillarei (Province of Pontevedra) where Aqualia staff (CRETUS collaborator) will show a successful case of implementing an innovative technology on a real scale.

In order to carry out this comprehensive program, a total of 28 teachers will teach the theoretical and practical classes. On behalf of CRETUS, researchers from the department of chemical engineering (Biogroup), Psychology (Cosoypa) and Public Law and Theory of the State (Armela) will participate

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