Since the alarm state was announced, CRETUS has been fully engaged in all the actions to fight against the pandemic. On Monday 16 March researchers/technicians from CRETUS Institute made a joint inventory of those products that the health service might need to make them fully available. In this way, a significant amount of material was collected, both for individual protection and for other products that are highly demanded and so necessary nowadays such as nitrile gloves, hydro-alcoholic solutions, masks, PCR, etc,
This week CRETUS joined other action that the University of Santiago de Compostela is carrying out in favour of SERGAS (Galician Health Service) which consists of the production of sanitizing gel based on ethanol or isopropyl alcohol for its subsequent distribution in hospitals and health centres with a high need for this product. The production that is being carried out in the Pilot Plant of the School of Engineering has the objective of reaching 9,000 liters. For this purpose, work teams have been set up.