Alejo Carballeira Ocaña

• University Professor

• Department: Functional Biology

• Center: Faculty of Biology (USC)

• Research group: Plant Ecotoxicology and Ecophysiology (ECOTOX)

• Tel .: +34 881 81 13312

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University Professor, he is a member of the Ecology Unit (Department of Cell Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Biology) of the University of Santiago de Compostela. He is coordinator of the Ecotoxicology Research Group (ECOTOX), specialized in biomonitoring the environment, natural ecosystems (terrestrial and aquatic) and in urban and industrial areas. His main research interest is the evaluation, by means of bioaccumulators, of the levels of contaminants (heavy metals, for example, PAHs, dioxins, furans, etc.) and bioassays carried out with native and transplanted species. The work has focused mainly on improving the standardization of biomonitoring techniques, trying to optimize these tools and promote their use through methodological harmonization.

He obtained his doctorate in 1977 and since 1985 has been part of the USC faculty. Participated in 25 national and international competitive projects (in 19 of them as IP). Participates in the UNECE-ICP VEGETATION (The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe International Cooperative Program on Effects of Air Pollution on Natural Vegetation and Corps). He collaborates with the European Metals in Mosses Survey having carried out campaigns in Galicia and Spain since 1994.

At the same time, it has developed 52 contracts of special relevance with companies and public institutions. As a result of his activity, he has led 14 Doctoral Theses and more than a hundred bachelor theses, supervised research work in the Biology degree and final degree projects in a Higher Graduate in Environmental Engineering. At the same time, it has developed 52 contracts of special relevance with companies and public institutions. He is co-author of 8 books and 27 book chapters and has published nearly 250 scientific articles (most in international journals). Her H-factor is 29 after her work was cited 2,144 times (January 2016). Developed 1 guarantee mark and 1 European patent.

He acts as a reviewer of international publications and collaborates as an evaluating member of Projects and CVs of different agencies. He was rapporteur for the Environment Presentation in the GALICIA 2010 project. Representative of the USC (since 10/1/2011) at the Consello da Rede de Parques Naturais de Galicia.

Lines of investigation
• Allelopathy
• Bioclimatoloxía
• Ecotoxicology. Passive and active environmental biomonitoring

Current projects
• Consolidation and structuring of competitive research units (XUGA) Competitive Reference Research Group. (CN 2012/028). (2012-2015). 200,000. IP: Alejo Carballeira

Main Indicators (2005-2015)
• SCI research publications:
• H index: 29
• SCOPUS Citation: 2144
• Books: 8
• Book chapters: 27
• Research publications without impact index:
• International participation: (conferences, presentations):
• Patents: 2

Most relevant publications
Varela, Z., Aboal, J.R., Carballeira, A., Real, C., Fernández, J.A. (2015). Influence of the physicochemical characteristics of pollutants on their uptake in moss. Atmospheric Environment. 192: 130-135

Ares, A., Aboal, J.R., Carballeira, A., Fernández, J.A. 82015). Do moss bags containing devitalized Sphagnum denticulatum reflect heavy metal concentrations in bulk deposition ?. Ecological Indicators. 50: 90-98

Fernández, J.A., Boquete, M.T., Carballeira, A., Aboal, J.R. (2015). A critical review of protocols and literature methodology on moss technique. Science of the Total Environment. 157: 132-1501.

Martinez-Garcia, A. Carballeira, F. Aguado-Giménez, N. González, P. Sanchez-Jerez, J.M. Texeira, J.I. Gairini, C. Carballeira, B. García-García, J.L. Sánchez- Lizaso, J. Carrera, J.C. Macías, D. Acosta (2013). A meta-analysis approach to the effects of fish farming on soft bottom polychaeta assemblages in temperate regions. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 69 (1-2): 165-171

Aboal, J.R., Pérez-Llamazares, A., Carballeira, A., Giordano, S. & Fernández, J.A. Should we samples used as biomonitors of atmospheric contamination be washed? Atmospheric Environment 45 / 6837-6840 / 2011.

Centro de investigación del Sistema Universitario de Galicia (ED431G/2023/12)
Promover el desarrollo tecnológico, la innovación y una investigación de calidad