


  • Diversity inventory from environmental DNA or unprocessed biological samples.
  • Diet identification from stomach or faecal samples.
  • Early detection of species of concern (exotic invasive species).

Viruses/Enteric bacteria 

  • Detection and genetic characterization of viruses and enteric bacteria in biological and environmental samples and evaluation of their infectivity and toxicity by cell culture.

Metabolic indicators

  • Evaluation of the effects of contamination (e.g. genetic variability, biomarkers of stress, etc)
  • Energy reserve biomarkers in aquatic organisms (RNA/DNA ratio, glycogen, proteins and lipids).
  • Determination of Nitric Oxide, interleukins  in vitro (macrophages) and in vivo (small mammal tissues) models by exposure to electromagnetic pollution and airborne particulate pollution that promote oxidative stress processes, inflammation and cytotoxicity in cellular systems.
  • Bioluminescence toxicity test.
  • Cyanotoxins and cytotoxicity.

Morphological inidcators

  • Environmental stress indexes through fluctuating asymmetry and deformities.
  • Determination of heat stress cytoprotective proteins (HSP), morphological damage to DNA, apoptosis and autophagy to monitor and understand the toxic effects of electromagnetic pollution and air pollution in experimental models in vitro and in vivo.

Biotic Indexes

  • Diagnosis of the ecological status of inland waters (Biological indicators: phytobenthos, benthic macroinvertebrates and fish).
  • Habitat Quality Indexes of inland aquatic ecosystems.
  • Development and application of indices of biological dissimilarity for the quantification of biodiversity.
  • Determination of SAR (specific absortion rate) as a biological index of the absorption rate of non-ionising radiation in cells, tissues and in human models.
  • Use of bryophytes for the identification of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere by a pollution source.

Biodiversity analysis

  • Identification of macro-ecological patterns and associated processes.
  • Integrated analysis of diversity patterns at multiple phylogenetic scales.
  • Identification of priority areas for conservation.
  • Evaluation of ecosystem services.


  • Methodological development and implementation of biomonitoring techniques.
  • Parameters of Biological Limnology.
  • Design and construction of antennas for the diagnosis of environmental pollution, based on the electromagnetic effects derived from the concentration of contaminating particles in suspension (PM particles).
  • Analysis of the Water Footprint of processes.


  • Identification of areas at high risk of invasion by exotic species.
  • Analysis of the effect of climate change on the distribution of species and communities.
  • Characterization and mapping of air pollution patterns at a regional scale and around potential pollution sources.


Actividade financiada polo Convenio de Colaboración entre a Consellería de Cultura, Educación e a USC para o desenvolvemento de accións estratéxicas de I+D+i.