Carmen M. Martínez

• Professor
• Department: Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
• Center: Faculty of Biology (USC)
• Research Group: Cartography of soils and landscape, physical-chemical, degradation and recovery of soils and waters (AMBIOSOL)
• Tel .: +34 881 81 13288
• Email:
• Group Web:


Monterroso specialized in the recovery of contaminated and degraded soils, after being part of the restoration team of the waste dump of the lignite mine of As Pontes (A Coruña), recognized as one of the greatest challenges in restoring mines to European level. He published over 50 SCI articles which have been cited nearly 1000 times. He has extensive experience in pedology, soil chemistry, mineral alteration, geochemistry of environmental pollutants, and development of phyto-technologies for soil decontamination. He has participated in research projects funded by the EU (2 projects), the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (6), the Xunta de Galicia (12), and private entities (10). Her participation in these projects has been as Principal Investigator (11) or as Participating Investigator (19). In the academic field, he has taught the subjects of Soil Science, Biogeochemistry, Soil degradation and contamination and Waste Management and Treatment in the degrees of Agricultural Technical Engineering, Bachelor / Degree in Biology, Master of Environmental Engineering and Doctorate Program Environment and Natural Resources of the USC. He has directed 5 doctoral theses and more than 25 undergraduate and graduate / master works.

Lines of investigation
• Soil Science
Chemistry, mineralogy, microbiology and soil conservation. Edaphogenesis. Soil quality and functionality.
• Biogeochemistry Bioavailability and speciation heavy metals and xenobiotics in contaminated soils
• Technology Restoring degraded soils. Bio / Phytoremediation of contaminated soils. Phytomineries.

estauración de chans degradados. Bio/Fitorremediación de chans contaminados. Fitominería.




Centro de investigación del Sistema Universitario de Galicia (ED431G/2023/12)
Promover el desarrollo tecnológico, la innovación y una investigación de calidad