Social Behavior and Applied Psychometrics Group

The group began its activity in the late eighties. The common axis on which the research generated by the group is based is the evaluation of attitudes, the elaboration of scales for their measurement and their application to different contexts of human behavior. Throughout all these years, these same descriptors have been maintained although the evolution of the group itself and the emergence of different areas of social interest have expanded the areas of research in which it has intervened. The area of intervention that, undoubtedly, has been a constant since the creation of the group is related to environmental issues, from the first projects obtained in public calls of the Autonomous Community of Galicia to subsequent contracts such as the one aimed at analyzing the psychosocial impact that had the “disaster of the Prestige” in the Galician population.

Coordinator: José Manuel Sabucedo
Web from group:


Actividade financiada polo Convenio de Colaboración entre a Consellería de Cultura, Educación e a USC para o desenvolvemento de accións estratéxicas de I+D+i.