cristina Gómez román
• Assistant Professor Doctor
• Department: Social, Basic Psychology and Methodology
• Center: Faculty of Psychology (USC)
• Research Group: Social Behavior and Applied Psychometry (COSOYPA)
• Tel .: +34 8818 13893
• Email:
• Grupo Web:
I am a psychologist and graduate, master and doctorate teacher in Spain and Colombia. I have been part of the COSOYPA research group since 2011. My doctoral thesis “Political Protest: Motives and Contexts” received the Extraordinary Doctorate Award and was selected by the CIS to be presented at the Seminar on Political and Sociological Research at Harvard. During the years 2011 to 2017 I have been Editorial Assistant of the International Journal of Social Psychology. I have been a visiting researcher at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, with a grant from the Pedro Barrié de la Maza Foundation. And from ISCTE-IUL in Lisbon and the University of Groningen with the Xunta postdoctoral fellowship.
My research career has basically focused on two main lines: on the one hand, collective action and on the other, environmental behavior.
Lines of investigation
• Attitudes
• Collective action
• Behavior and environment
Current projects
• Recovery and utilization of nutrients 4 low impact fertilizer (Run4Life)
• Catch in the act of protest: Contextualizing contestation
• Mobilized citizenship: Who protests and for what reasons, emotions and contexts.
Leading indicators
• SCI research publications: 5
• H index: 3
• ISI Citation: 25
• Book chapters: 4
• Research publications without impact index: 5
• International participation: (conferences, presentations): 24
Most relevant publications
1. Sabucedo, J.M., Dono, M., Grigoryev, D., Gómez-Román, C., & Alzate, M. (2019). Axiological-Identitary Collective Action Model (AICAM): A new integrative perspective in the analysis of protest. PloS one 14 (6), e0218350.
2. Sabucedo, J.M., Barreto, I., Seoane, G., Alzate, M., Gómez-Román, C., & Vilas, X. (2017). Political Protest in Times of Crisis. Construction of New Frames of Diagnosis and Emotional Climate. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1568.
3. Sabucedo, J.M., Gómez-Román; C., Alzate, M., Klandermans, B., &; van Stekelenburg, J. (2017). Comparing protests and demonstrators in times of austerity. Regular and occasional protesters in universalistic and particularistic mobilizations. Social Movement Studies, 16 (6), 704-720.
4. Gómez-Román, C., & Sabucedo, J.M. (2016). The Occupy and Indignados movement and the importance of political context: Differences between occasionals and regulars in Spain and the UK. International Journal of Government and Economics. 5, 29 – 46.
5. Gómez-Román, C., & Sabucedo, J.M. (2014). The importance of political context: Motives to participate in a protest before and after the labor reform in Spain. International Sociology, 29, 546-564.
Centro de investigación del Sistema Universitario de Galicia (ED431G/2023/12)
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