Eva Rodil Rodríguez
- Titular teacher
- Department: Chemical Engineering
- Center: Escola Técnica Superior de Enxeñaría (USC)
- Research Group: Sustainable Separation Processes
- Tel .: +34 881 816796
- Email:
- Web Group: equifase
- Personal website.:
Bachelor of Chemical Sciences, specialty Industrial Chemistry, in September 1995, PhD in Chemical Engineering from USC in June 1999. Post-doctoral training of more than two years at McGill Universty, Montreal, Canada and Queen’s University of Belfast, United Kingdom. Currently and since 2010 she is a Full Professor at the University of the Chemical Engineering Department of the USC. It belongs to the research group (GI-1616) Sustainable Separation Processes since 1995, its main lines of research focus on: i) synthesis of nanomaterials and their possible industrial applications, ii) improvement of separation processes through rigorous knowledge of the equilibria involved and iii) design and use of ionic liquids in separation processes and in the synthesis of nanomaterials.
Participation in more than 10 Research Projects subsidized at European, national and regional level. Principal investigator in a national research project within the Ramón y Cajal Program (2003 Program). Author of 1 national patent with prior examination, more than 50 articles in magazines with a high SCR citation index and more than 40 communications to international Congresses. His H index is 23.
Coordinator of the Doctorate Program in Chemical and Environmental Engineering since 2016 and secretary of the School of International Doctorate in Sciences and Technology since 2017.
Centro de investigación del Sistema Universitario de Galicia (ED431G/2023/12)
Promover el desarrollo tecnológico, la innovación y una investigación de calidad