Nonlinear Physics

It began its activity in 1991. Its activities focus on two main lines of research; the study of the formation of structures in non-linear systems, and atmospheric modeling (oceanographic models, air quality, biological ecosystems, etc.). The Group formed by three full professors has a 2009-2018 scientific production of 76 publications in SCI journals (64 Q1), 9 doctoral theses, 16 European and national projects, 120 communications to international conferences and 10 contracts with companies. He coordinated the CLIGAL Report on Evidence and Impacts of Climate Change in Galicia. Between 2007-2010 it has been recognized as a Competitive Reference Group and subsequently as GPC (Growth Potential Group).

Coordinator: Vicente P. Muñuzuri
Web from group:

Centro de investigación del Sistema Universitario de Galicia (ED431G/2023/12)
Promover el desarrollo tecnológico, la innovación y una investigación de calidad