Gumersindo Feijoo Costa

• Professor of Chemical Engineering
• Department: Chemical Engineering
• Center: Escola Técnica Superior de Enxeñaría (USC)
• Research Group: Environmental Biotechnology (BIOGROUP)
• Tel .: +34 8818 16776
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• Scientific Profiles: Portal da Investigación (USC), Orcid, Research Gate, Google Scholar


Graduated in Chemistry (Esp. Industrial Chemistry) in June 1990 from the Faculty of Chemistry of USC, starting the 3rd cycle studies in September 1990. During the doctorate I obtained a FPI scholarship (January 1991), presenting the doctoral thesis in May 1994 under the direction of Professor Juan Manuel Lema Rodicio.

In October 1994 I entered the scale of Teaching Assistant of the University School in the Department. of Chemical Engineering from USC. In January 1995, I obtained a position of Assistant Professor of University in said Department. Finally, in September 1995 I applied to a Post of Professor of University in the area of ​​Chemical Engineering that I held temporarily until the contest / opposition was held in July 1997. In 2007 I obtained national accreditation for the University Professors Corps in the Opposition competition held at the Complutense University of Madrid. Finally, in 2008 I entered the position of Professor at the University of the Chemical Engineering Area at USC.

During these years I have carried out an intense research activity in the following lines of work:
• Enzymatic catalysis. Oxidases and peroxidases. Immobilization in micro and nanoparticles.
• Development and modeling of enzyme reactors. Application to the biodegradation of organic compounds (PAHs, industrial dyes and PPCPs).
• Application of the Life Cycle Analysis methodology to various sectors and industrial processes.
• Circular Economy, Ecodesign, Ecolabelling, Ecoefficiency and Environmental Footprints

Coordinator of the Official Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering at the University of Santiago de Compostela (2005-2008), Coordinator of the National Thematic Network for Life Cycle Analysis (2002-2012), Director of the Department of Chemical Engineering (2008-2017). Coordinator of the Degree in Chemical Engineering (2014-2018). Active participation in the Accreditation processes, highlighting the IChemE accreditation of the Chemical Engineering degree in 2010 and 2013, Degree and Master in Chemical Engineering in 2018. President of the Spanish Confederation of Directors and Deans of Chemical Engineering since 2017. Vice-Rector for Strategic Planning and Projection since 2018.

Research Lines
• Life Cycle Management
– Methodological aspects of Life Cycle Analysis: characterization and normalization factors, load assignment, integration of analysis systems by data wrapping in inventory analysis.
– Application of the Life Cycle Analysis methodology to the development of various sectors and industrial processes
– Ecolabelling: Carbon Footprint (ISO 14067) and Energy Return Rate
– Ecodesign of products (ISO 14006) and Eco-efficiency of processes (ISO 14045)
• Biochemical Engineering
– Enzymatic biocatalysis: fungal peroxidases and oxidases and i Immobilization of enzymes
– Development and modeling of enzyme reactors.
– Application to the biodegradation of highly toxic compounds: endocrine disruptors, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, industrial dyes and pesticides
– Transfer to the productive sector
– Fishing sector
– Food industry
– Sustainable transport and green logistics
– Forest industrial
– Bioenergy & Biofuels




Centro de investigación del Sistema Universitario de Galicia (ED431G/2023/12)
Promover el desarrollo tecnológico, la innovación y una investigación de calidad

Centro Oportunius