José Manuel Sabucedo Cameselle

• University Professor

• Department: Social, Basic Psychology and Methodology

• Center: Faculty of Psychology (USC)

• Research group: Social Behavior and Applied Psychometry (COSOYPA)

• Tel .: +34 881 81 13789

• Email:

• Web group:

My research career has basically focused on two main lines: Behavior and Environment and Political Psychology. In relation to them, I have directed 18 doctoral theses, obtaining four of them the extraordinary doctorate award, and I have been IP of 15 research projects funded in public calls. I have published a total of 76 articles, 11 books (as a self-author or editor-co-editor) and 44 book chapters.

Promoter and President of the Spanish Scientific Society of Social Psychology (SCEPS) Chief Editor of the Revista de Psicología Social / International Journal of Social Psychology, 2010-2016 (ISI Journal Citation Reports-Social Sciences; and SCOPUS). Associate Editor of the Latin American Journal of Psychology, 2009-present (ISI Journal Citation Reports-Social Sciences; and SCOPUS).

Eugenio Montero Ríos Award for Social Research, corresponding to the Galicia Research Awards. Awarded by the Xunta de Galicia in 2006.

Reseacrh Lines
• Attitudes
• Political behavior
• Social movements
• Behavior and environment



Centro de investigación del Sistema Universitario de Galicia (ED431G/2023/12)
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