María Llompart Vizoso

• Professor of Analytical Chemistry
• Department: Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Food Science
• Center: Faculty of Chemistry (USC)
• Research Group: Laboratory of Research and Development of Analytical Solutions (LIDSA)
• Tel .: +34 8818 14225
• Email:
• Group Web: LIDSA

She is a Full Professor in the Department of Analytical Chemistry (ANECA May 2011) at the University of Santiago de Compostela and a specialist in extraction techniques, chromatography and mass spectrometry. Coordinator of the “LIDSA_laboratory for research and development of analytical solutions” Group.

Recognized as a consolidated group (CPG) since 2012 and renewed in 2014. General indicators of quality of scientific production: Sexenios: 3 (1994-2011); Number of theses: 12 all of them with Quality Mention, 9 European doctorate, 6 extraordinary doctorate award (2 pending resolution); Total citations: 4,700; Average appointments / year: 460; Index h: 34; Publications in ISI magazines: 125. Book chapters (international) in publishers such as Elsevier or Springer: 10. Various international awards. President (chair) of several prestigious international congresses in the field of pesticides and micro-contaminants and in extraction technologies. Member of the scientific committee of international conferences since 2012.

Lines of investigation
• Sample preparation techniques based on Green Chemistry: Microwave assisted extraction (MAE), Pressurized solvent extraction (PLE), Solid phase matrix dispersion (MSPD), Solid and liquid phase microextraction techniques (SPME, LPME , USAEME);
microMSPD; microPLE.
• Symbiotic chromatographic analysis techniques. GC and LC coupled tandem mass spectrometry
• Determination of organic pollutants (phenols, PCBs, chlorobenzenes, PAHs, VOCs, pesticides, dioxins, flame retardants …) in environmental and biological matrices
• Determination of drugs and personal hygiene products in environmental samples.
• Analysis of cosmetics and hygiene and personal care products.
• Analysis of pesticides and mycotoxins in agri-food matrices
• Determination of toxic compounds in consumer products
• Photodegradation studies of classic and emerging environmental pollutants. Determination of degradation by-products. Photo-SPME.
• Study of the antioxidant potential of wines and vinification by-products. Investigation of exploitation alternatives.

Current projects
• CONSOLIDATION PROGRAM FOR RESEARCH GROUPS, GROWTH POTENTIAL GROUPS MODALITY (GPC). (GPC2014 / 035). (8/10 / 2014-30 / 11/2016). Xunta de Galicia. María P. Llompart Vizoso. Endowment € 70,000
• SAFETY OF COSMETIC PRODUCTS: MONITORING AND CONTROL OF DYES, SOLAR FILTERS AND PRESERVATIVES. (CTQ2013 46545-P). (11/28/2014 – 11/28/2016). Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Carmen García Jares. Endowment € 79860
• REGATA: Rede Galega de Tratamento de Augas GI-1613. (R2014 / 013). (11/28/2014 – 11/28/2016). CONSOLIDATION AND STRUCTURE. NETWORKS. Xunta de Galicia. Juan Manuel Lema Rodicio. Endowment € 120,000
• APPOINTMENT: Center for Research in Environmental Technologies. (2015-PG036) Ref. AGRUP2015 / 02.CONSOLIDATION AND STRUCTURE. STRATEGIC GROUPING. Xunta de Galicia. Juan Manuel Lema Rodicio. Endowment € 500,000
• Design and analytical developments for the control of the safety of cosmetic products, compliance with legislation in their marketing. USC 2013-CE190 (02/26/2013 – 12/31/2016). Inditex S.A. María Llompart, € 188,472.00

Main Indicators (2005-2015)
• SCI research publications: 128
• H index: 50
• SCOPUS citation: 4600
• Books: 1
• Book chapters: 9
• International participation: (conferences, presentations):> 150
• Patents: 2

 Most relevant publications
Lores, M. Llompart, G. Álvarez-Rivera, E. Guerra, M. Vila, M. Celeiro, J.P. Lamas, C. Garcia-Jares. “Positive lists of cosmetic ingredients: analytical methodology for regulatory and safety controls. A review ”. Analytica Chimica Minutes, (2016) in press

Vila, M., Pablo Lamas, J., Garcia-Jares, C., Dagnac, T., Llompart, M. Ultrasoundassisted emulsification microextraction followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for the analysis of
UV filters in water ”. Microchemical Journal, (2016) 124: 530-539

Latorre, A., Dagnac, T., Lorenzo, B.F., Llompart, M. “Occurrence and stability of masked fumonisins in corn silage samples” Food Chemistry (2015) 189, 17050: 38-44

Álvarez-Rivera, M. Llompart, C. García-Jares, M. Lores. “Identification of unwanted photoproducts of cosmetic preservatives in personal care products under ultravioletlight using solid-phase microextraction and micro-matrix solid-phase dispersion”. Journal of Chromatography A, (2015) 1390: 1-12

Sanchez-Prado, L., Garcia-Jares, C., Dagnac,., Llompart, M. “Microwave-assisted extraction of emerging pollutants in environmental and biological samples before chromatographic determination” TrAC – Trends in Analytical Chemistry, (2015) 71 : 119-143

Llompart, M., Sanchez-Prado, L., Pablo Lamas, J., Roca, E., Dagnac, T. “Hazardous organic chemicals in rubber recycled tire playgrounds and pavers” Chemosphere, (2013) 90: 423-431.

Centro de investigación del Sistema Universitario de Galicia (ED431G/2023/12)
Promover el desarrollo tecnológico, la innovación y una investigación de calidad