Óscar Rodil Marzábal


Doctor in Economic Sciences (1999) from the University of Santiago de Compostela with the thesis “Economic growth and regional technological capacity in the framework of the European Union (1980-1995)”, awarded the first Prize of the Royal Academy of Doctors in Legal and Social Sciences and Extraordinary Doctorate Award.

He is currently a full professor in the Department of Applied Economics at the University of Santiago and is a member of the Research Group on Innovation, Structural Change and Development (ICEDE), considered a Competitive Reference Group by the Xunta de Galicia.

His lines of research are currently focused on innovation, trade, global value chains and the circular economy. He has more than 80 publications and his most recent scientific production (2011-present) focuses on impact magazines (JCR) and prestigious publishers. He has participated in more than 40 research projects, including international ones, both internationally (EU Framework Program, Horizon 2020). In 2015, he was the coordinator of the only winning project in the EU-LAC Foundation Explore Program call. He also highlights his role as coordinator of the economic study for the candidacy of the Ribeira Sacra for World Heritage (UNESCO). He is currently the main researcher (co-IP) of a National Plan project (Call for CHALLENGES) on the implications of the European circular economy strategy in global value chains, effective for the period 2018-2020. He has directed a total of 4 doctoral theses (2006-2017) and is currently directing another 3.

He is a specialized teacher in the field of trade and innovation in the Master in Economic Development and Innovation, as well as in the Degree in Economics at the University of Santiago. He is a member of the academic commission of said Master and secretary of the Doctorate Program in economics and business. He recently obtained the First Prize in the category of specialist of the National Bank of Foreign Trade of Mexico (2017) and the First Prize of Promotion of the USC in international destinations in the area of ​​Social and Legal Sciences (2018).


Centro de investigación del Sistema Universitario de Galicia (ED431G/2023/12)
Promover el desarrollo tecnológico, la innovación y una investigación de calidad