An Environmental approach to the Sustainable Development Goals in the framwork of Circular Economy
14-16 July 2021
The interdisciplinary Centre CRETUS, organizes a summer school from 14 th to 16th of July 2021 at the Faculty of Biology within the program “Universidade de Verán” promoted by University of Santiago de Compostela
Dates : 14, 15 and 16 July 2021
Coordination: María Teresa Barral Silva and María Ángeles Pereira Sánchez
Secretary: Sonia Suárez Martínez
Place: Aula Magna – Faculty of Biology – Campus Vida USC
Teaching hours: 25h
The main objective of this course is to address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to the environment, analysing the integration of scientific and technical knowledge with the concepts and tools of the new paradigm of the circular economy (CE). The aim is to analyse how environmental, economic and social knowledge and techniques converge with the cross-cutting proposal of the CE, in order to move towards the SDGs.
Targeted to:
Graduates, master students, diploma holders or students of environmental disciplines, technicians in the field of
environmental science and in general anyone interested in the subject of the course.
Registration period: from 10 May to 2 July 2021.
Information on fees and enrolment process*: Universidade de Verán 2021 – Universidade de Verán – USC (*To proceed with online enrolment, click on the “Enrol” button on course no. 10).

Introductory Training School. Nowelties
The Environmental Biotechnology group (Biogroup) of the University of Santiago de Compostela, as a partner of the Marie Curie Nowelties Action (, organizes a school from the 7th to 11th of October 2019 at the School of Engineering (ETSE) Summer on treatment and recovery of wastewater resources for 14 doctoral students that will cover different aspects such as: technology, microcontaminants, microbiology, legislation, economics, environmental impact, etc. But it will also include training on cross-cutting issues such as bibliometry, social acceptance, communication, among others.
The program is completed with internships, a technical visit to the WWTP of Guillarei (Tui) and an extensive social program.

Climate Change: the five phases of grief
The Nonlinear Physics group (GFNL) of the University of Santiago de Compostela organizes within the program of «University of Verán 2019«, this course on the problem of climate change focused from an integral point of view from September 2 to 6 in the Faculty of Physics of the USC.
The program, in which up to 20 rapporteurs participate, is structured in 5 sessions: denial, anger, depression, negotiation and acceptance, titles that allude to the 5 phases through which a person goes through a serious problem. Through this tour it is intended that the participant not only acquires knowledge about the problem but also critical ability to draw their own conclusions.
The main objective of this proposal is that students obtain a vision with a scientific and realistic basis on climate change as well as the possibility of appreciating the complexity of the proposed solutions to mitigate it.
In addition to their causes, the effects on ecosystems will be addressed in detail, and their impact on society will be analyzed.

Introductory Training School. Nowelties
The Environmental Biotechnology group (Biogroup) of the University of Santiago de Compostela, as a partner of the Marie Curie Nowelties Action (, organizes a school from the 7th to 11th of October 2019 at the School of Engineering (ETSE) Summer on treatment and recovery of wastewater resources for 14 doctoral students that will cover different aspects such as: technology, microcontaminants, microbiology, legislation, economics, environmental impact, etc. But it will also include training on cross-cutting issues such as bibliometry, social acceptance, communication, among others.
The program is completed with internships, a technical visit to the WWTP of Guillarei (Tui) and an extensive social program.