• Professor
• Department: Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
• Center: Faculty of Biology (USC)
• Research Group: Soil and landscape mapping, physico-chemical, soil and water degradation and recovery (AMBIOSOL)
• Tel .: +34 881 811 000
• Email:
• Group Web:
• Scientific Profile: Orcid

Doctor in Biological Sciences from the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) in 2000, with the thesis Biogeochemistry of heavy metals in marine sedimentary environments that received the José María Albareda award that the Spanish Society of Soil Science annually awards to the best doctoral thesis. In 2001 I obtained a position of Assistant Professor, in 2005 that of Contracted Professor and since 2018 I have been a Full Professor at the USC. I have been part of the Ambiosol research team at USC since 1998. I teach Environmental Geochemistry classes in the Master at the University of Vigo, National Polytechnic University (Ecuador) and University of Sao Paulo. Since 1993 I have focused my research on the study of geochemical processes in coastal environments such as the estuary systems and marshes, but also in tropical environments such as mangroves in Venezuela and Brazil, and in the Brazilian swamp. In addition, I also carry out work in extremophilic media such as the Guaymas hydrothermal pit (Gulf of California); cold environments such as Antarctica and Andes soils in Ushuaia (Argentina) and mining environments (Spain, Mexico and Brazil). My interest is mainly focused on knowing the environmental implications of the (bio) geochemical processes that occur in soils, sediments and waters in different geochemical scenarios. Within this field I have collaborated with researchers from different universities, both national and foreign, such as: University of Nebraska (USA), Louisina University (USA), University of Washington (USA) University of Southern Denmark, Swansea University (UK), University Lisbon, University of the Algarve, Water NSW (Australia), University of Baja California (Mexico), Universidade Estadual Paulista, Federal do Ceará, University of Sao Paulo, Federal Rural University of Pernanbuco.

I have been the main researcher (IP) of several Competitive Call Projects financed by different organizations such as Xunta de Galicia, Government of Spain or the BBVA Foundation. I have also been IP of international projects developed in Latin America such as Bioaccessibility of arsenic and toxic metals in rice paddies in Ecuador and irrigation for human health.

Throughout my scientific-technical activity, I have directed a total of 8 doctoral theses, 24 end-of-degree or master projects, I have published 161 articles, 87 of which are in international JCR journals, some of them of high impact such as Nature Communication. . I have participated in 36 research projects of which in 10 of them I have been a principal investigator and have made 60 technical reports related to environmental assessment and recovery.

Research Lines
• Soil Science
I participate in works related to the chemical properties and mineralogical composition of soils. Spatial variation of soils and their quality.
– Soil classification and mapping
– Soil quality

I study the geochemical behavior of Fe, Mn and S in hydromorphic media and its relationship with the mobility of toxic elements and eutrophication. I am also especially interested in studying alteration processes in cold environments and extremophic areas such as hydrothermal, hyperacid or hypersaline media.
– Biogeochemicals in wetlands
– Sublines: Biogeochemistry of cold zones and extremophile media

Littoral processes
I study the soil / plant relationship in marshy environments and lagoons. I also study the environmental implications of sea level rise on the mobilization of biolimiters and toxic elements in coastal systems. Another aspect that is being studied is the dynamics of nutrients and metals in seabird colonies.
– Geochemistry of marshy media
– Environmental implications of seabird colonies



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