Ofertas de Emprego
Convocatoria pública ordinaria CRETUS 01/2024 de contratación de persoal para colaborar nas actividades e proxectos de investigación
Diciembre 2024
O obxecto da presente convocatoria é a selección de persoal para colaborar nas actividades e proxectos de investigación que figuran no anexo da presente convocatoria.
O persoal contratado colaborará e traballará especifica e unicamente na actividade ou proxecto de investigación para o que é contratado, que é de carácter finalista e en todo caso non estrutural, mediante o financiamento externo a través da participación en convocatorias públicas ou privadas, subscrición de convenios, concesión de subvencións, etc., sen prexuízo do establecido na Lei 53/1984, do 26 de decembro, de incompatibilidades do persoal ao Servizo das administracións públicas.
A forma de provisión será a de concurso de méritos, a través da valoración dos criterios de baremación establecidos para cada praza. A presentación das solicitudes realizarase unicamente por medios electrónicos a través dos formularios normalizados dispoñibles na sede electrónica da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, https://sede.usc.es/formularios/solicitudes/CRETUS_contratacion.htm
- Data de publicación: 09/12/2024
- Plazo de presentación de solicitudes: dende o martes 10 de decembre (as 00:00 h) ata o luns 18 de decembro (as 23:59 h)
- Documentos relacionados: PDF convocatoria , Corrección de erros
- Publicación lista provisional: 19/12/2024 Lista provisional de solicitudes de admitidas e excluidas
- Apertura recepción de enmiendas: 20/12/2024 ata 23/12/2024 23:59 Portal:https://sede.usc.es/formularios/solicitudes/CRETUS_emendacontratacion.htm
- Publicación lista definitiva: 26/12/2024 Lista definitiva de admitidos e excluidos
- Publicación 09/01/2025: Modificación comisión selección
- Publicación 13/01/2025: Proposta de selección, Resolución de selección
Contacto: cretus.rrhh@usc.es (este email non acepta candidaturas)
Job Offer to Postdoctoral Researcher
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November 2024
The main objective of this study is to know the effect that the polygons dedicated to mussel cultivation (mussel rafts) can have on the quality and production of the ecosystem of the Galician estuaries. Hundreds of ropes are suspended into the water column from each structure. Mussels attach to the ropes and filter feed on phytoplankton and other suspended organic and inorganic particles. Ría de Arousa alone contains over 2,400 mussel rafts.
The effect of pollutant capture and dispersion from mussel raft polygons to other areas of the estuaries will be modeled to predict, on the one hand, their potential modulating effect on anthropogenic pollution and, on the other, the areas where waste from these polygons may accumulate.
The contracted postdoc will get a gross monthly income of 2.700 euros (14 payments). The contract will begin in February 2025 and last for one year, with a weekly workload of 35 hours.
The postdoc will work at the Physics Department (Group of Nonlinear Physics, CRETUS Research Center).
- Brief work description
The candidate will utilize a Lagrangian model to simulate transport of waste from the mussel ropes suspended from the rafts. Because of their density, this debris may migrate vast distances at various depths, therefore the model should account for this, and parameterize the debris release from the mussel ropes beneath the rafts. - Requirements
Good knowledge of scientific programming; Fortran and Python. Doctorate related to the project (physics, mathematics, etc). Research papers on Lagrangian transport models. Experience dealing with Netcdf file formats, ARGIS/QGIS and good skills using Linux clusters will be valued. Good knowledge of English. - Candidates contact to vicente.perez.munuzuri@usc.es
CRETUS Researcher: Vicente Pérez Muñuzuri
- Call: Download
Oferta Empleo BIOPIGMA
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November 2024
This 4-year contract is associated to the BIOPIGMA project (Integrated biofactory for the multiproduct valorisation of pig manure), funded by the Spanish Research Agency (former FPI fellowships). The expected starting date is December 2024 – January 2025.
- Research area
Development of innovative technologies for waste(water) treatment and valorization for achieving organic matter and nutrient removal, promoting safe water reuse. - Brief work description
– Set up and operate lab-scale bioreactors under different operational conditions to study the granulation process and purple photobacteria performance with the liquid fraction pig manure.
– Monitoring and analysis of the solid, liquid, and gas phases during the different treatment processes.
– Data analysis, report writing, and publication of research results in scientific journals. - Applications before 11th December 2024.
- CRETUS Researcher: Anuska Mosquera
- Call: Download
Oferta Empleo SAFESLUDGE
October 2024
This 4-year contract is associated with the SAFESLUDGE project (Exploring anaerobic digestion processes to maximize pharmaceuticals and antibiotic resistance genes removal for sewage sludge safe disposal), funded by the Spanish Research Agency (former FPI fellowships). The candidate will be incorporated into the Group of Environmental Biotechnology –BIOGROUP (usc.es), one of the most important environmental engineering research groups in Europe. The expected starting date is December 2024 – January 2025.
- Research area
Developing technologies for innovative sewage sludge treatment to remove contaminants of emerging concern, promoting safe sewage sludge disposal. - Brief work description
– Set-up and operation of lab-scale bioreactors under different operational conditions to study the removal of CECs.
– Monitoring of pharmaceuticals during the different treatment options.
– Use of microbiological and genetic tools to follow selected ARGs, in close collaboration with the microbiologists that participate in the project. - Applications before 4th November 2024.
CRETUS Researcher: Marta Carballa
- Call: Referencia: (usc.es)
- Reference 6510_gl.pdf (usc.es)
October 2024
A research contract of 6-12 months is offering to conduct research in areas that combine chemical process modeling with Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to improve time-to-market, sustainability performance, and to identify synergies and gaps between circularity assessment and LCA. The research activities will be carried out in the framework of the EU Horizon Project Biological Resources Certifications Schemes (BIORECER), which aims to ensure the environmental performance and traceability of biological raw materials used by the bio-based industry, by implementing guidelines to strengthen current certification schemes. The candidate will be incorporated into the Group of Environmental Biotechnology –BIOGROUP (usc.es), one of the most important environmental engineering research groups in Europe. The contract start date is flexible and is expected to be January 2025. It is possible and desirable to extend this contract to 3 years for the completion of a PhD thesis.
- Research area
Life Cycle Assessment and Biorefineries. - Brief work description
– Develop rigorous modeling of pilot and large-scale strategies through process simulation.
– Evaluate and efficiently optimize supply chains for bioproducts derived from organic solid waste and biomass.
– Develop mathematical models to optimize and predict innovative biomass-based strategies through biochemical simulations.
– Perform dynamic LCA to predict the long-term future of proposed technologies
– Develop sustainability transition assessment rules for sustainable product regulation. - Applications before 30th October 2024.
- CRETUS Researcher: Maite Moreira
Centro de investigación del Sistema Universitario de Galicia (ED431G/2023/12)
Promover el desarrollo tecnológico, la innovación y una investigación de calidad