Environmental Biotechnology Group
It is formed in 1985. It has 60 researchers and technical staff. His research activity includes three main lines of research: 1. Technologies for treatment and recovery of water and waste resources, 2. Environmental management, 3. Biorefinery. Its scientific production in the 2013-2018 period can be summarized in 316 publications, of which 276 are SCI, 40 doctoral theses, 15 European projects and international networks, 24 national projects, 30 contracts with companies, 15 patents and 278 conference communications International He has coordinated wastewater treatment networks at European level (Action COST Water_2020), National (RedNovedar) and Galician (REGATA network). Since 2006 it is recognized as a Competitive Reference Group.
CoordinaTOR: Juan M. Lema
Web from group:
Centro de investigación del Sistema Universitario de Galicia (ED431G/2023/12)
Promover el desarrollo tecnológico, la innovación y una investigación de calidad