Carmen García Jares
• Center: Faculty of Chemistry (USC)
• Research Group: Research and Development Laboratory of
Analytical Solutions (LIDSA)
• Tel .: +34 8818 14394
• Group Web: LIDSA
• Scientific Profile: Orcid
Bachelor of Pharmacy (USC, 1982), Diploma in Viticulture and Engineering, (UP Madrid, 1984), High Specialization in Food Technology (CSIC Valencia, 1985), Doctor of Pharmacy (USC, 1989), Head of University of the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Food Science since 1996, accredited to the Chair since 2011. In 2010 we created the LIDSA research group together with my colleagues María Llompart and Marta Lores, in which we work synergistically and with rotating management responsibilities. Coordination has corresponded to me since its creation until 2013.
Throughout my scientific career I have been interested in the control of environmental quality through clean analytical methodologies and, simultaneously, in the characterization and valorization of wines and derived products. Currently, an important part of my activity includes the development of analytical methods for their application to consumer and personal care products, their degradation products, and the study of priority and emerging pollutants, especially in domestic environments. Another line of work focuses on the characterization of natural products and by-products derived from their transformation, and on the evaluation of their properties for application in cosmetics, food or as plant protection products. Participation in> 30 competitive research projects (Plan Nac., CA Galicia, EU) and> 25 R&D contracts with relevant public bodies and private companies (INDITEX, IMPEX EUROPA). Participation in national and international networks (WINETech, REGATA, COST). Participant in the recent constitution of the CRETUS Strategic Group (Center for Research in Environmental Technologies USC, 2015).
More than 160 published works, 110 in Q1 journals, with almost 4,000 total citations and an average of 37 citations per article. The impact of several of them stands out: Water Res. (I.I = 5.53) 2004, 38, 2918-26, was the third most cited work of the decade (750 citations); Am. J. Enol. Vitic., 1996, 47, 206-16, remains 36/50 Most-Frequently Read articles; 3 articles “Paper in Front” in Anal. Bioanal. Chem. Various “Top cited” and “Most download” in J. Chromatogr. A, Anal Chim. Minutes, Ultrasonics Sonochem. Contribution in> 15 book chapters (in preparation: Preservatives, in: Analysis of Cosmetic Products, eds. Salvador & Chisvert). Continued participation in international congresses, conferences and seminars, are a total of contributions> 200. Awards at international conferences awarded by the RSC and the International Association of Environmental Analytical
Chemistry. Award for the best contribution of the year in SPME in 2010 and 2013 (Sigma-Aldrich).
Technology transfer: 2 patents, one national and one international. Founding partner of the technology-based company “i-Grape” for the exploitation of winemaking waste, created on the basis of the First Prize of the ARGOS Project (USC University Entrepreneurship Program) won in its 1st Edition (2013).
Continuous management of research work (Doctorate, Bachelor, Master, Degree). Direction of 14 Doctoral Theses. ANECA evaluator, regular reviewer of prestigious scientific publications. Coordinator of the SOCRATES-ERASMUS Program (Univ. Gdansk, Bordeaux I). Director of the Summer University Course (USC) “Chemistry: the science that surrounds our lives” since 2012. Member of the Scientific Committee and / or Organizer of Congresses (Extech 2014 and 2017, SEQA 2015, Pesticides 2016, Secyta 2018) .
Research Lines
• Development of new methodologies for analyzing cosmetic ingredients and cleaning and personal care products.
• Study of the antioxidant potential of wines and vinification by-products. Investigation of exploitation alternatives.
• Research into new sample preparation techniques for analysis based on Green Analytical Chemistry: microextraction techniques with and without solvents: SPME, LPME, DLLME, USAEME
• Development of new analysis methodologies for priority and emerging pollutants in environmental, agri-food and biological samples: pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), phenols, phthalates, fragrances, preservatives, drugs.
• Investigation of the processes of degradation of chemical additives and environmental pollutants. Determination of degradation by-products.
• Development of analytical and environmental applications of Photo-SPME.
Centro de investigación del Sistema Universitario de Galicia (ED431G/2023/12)
Promover el desarrollo tecnológico, la innovación y una investigación de calidad