Waste Valorisation

Waste Valorisation

  • Types of waste: Organic urban waste, agricultural waste (biomass Residual lignocellulosic biomass), livestock, forestry and wine, dairy, canning, brewing, wood and paper industries.
  • Recovery strategy: aerobic/anaerobic biological treatment, extraction, transformation and enzymatic hydrolysis, decantation, adsorption, lagooning, solid fraction composting, hydrolysates fermentation.
  • Products and applications:Compost for soil amendment, culture substrates and filter for pollutant treatment, pollutant adsorbent, landfill insulation, sludge pond recovery, biofuel production (ethanol, butanol), biopolymers (polyhydroxyalkanoates), enzymes for industrial use (laccases, cellulases…), bioadhesives, bioactive compounds, volatile fatty acids, sugars used as substrates.


Actividade financiada polo Convenio de Colaboración entre a Consellería de Cultura, Educación e a USC para o desenvolvemento de accións estratéxicas de I+D+i.